viernes, abril 08, 2011

Freedom, de Jonathan Franzen

Lo que digo yo:

Alrededor de la publicación de Freedom, el mundo literario parecía sacado de cualquier revista de prensa rosa. La razones son claras: Obama pidió  que le consiguieran una copia antes de que saliera oficialmente a la venta. Y estamos frente al autor que se atrevió a NO ir al programa de Oprah Winfrey al ser seleccionado como libro para el club de lectura. Esto pasó con Las Correcciones hace sus años, pero al ver la luz el nuevo libro, la cosa se puso interesante.

De hecho, la mitad de los comentarios sobre Freedom van de su "precio", de que se "vendió" a la industria y demás.. porque sí... esta vez fue a Oprah y aguantó la entrevista. Si la vemos con detenimiento, está claro que ha momentos en que no se le ve cómodo. Los más puristas, por decirlo de alguna manera, piensan que tenía que haberse mantenido al margen del ciclón mediático Oprah.

Sea como sea es un libro buenísimo, de un autor que cada vez me gusta más. Las Correcciones me sorprendió más que este, es verdad, pero yo veo una madurez narrativa y estructural en su manera de escribir. La familia que retrata ¡cómo no! es de esas que te dan escalofríos pero a la vez empatizas. Son detestables y adorables.

En esto Franzen es un maestro, nunca sabes quiénes son los buenos y quiénes los malos, les da aire y agua tanto como palos y pesares. No es condescendiente con sus personajes y cualquiera que haya intentando escribir alguna vez, sabe que esto es de las cosas más complicadas.

Buenísimo, sobre todo para los amantes de la mejor narrativa realista anglosajona, como yo.


Lo que dice la contraportada:

"A lavishly entertaining account of a family at war with itself, and a brilliant dissection of the dissatisfactions and disappointments of contemporary American life... Compelling...Freedom, though frequently funny, is ultimately tender: its emotional currency is both the pain and the pleasure that that word implies . . . A rare pleasure, an irresistible invitation to binge-read . . . That it also grapples with a fundamental dilemma of modern middle-class America—namely: Is it really still OK to spend your life asserting your unalienable right to the pursuit of happiness, when the rest of the world is in such a state?—is what makes it something wonderful. If Freedom doesn’t qualify as a Great American Novel for our time, then I don’t know what would . . . The reason to celebrate him is not that he is doing something new but that he is doing something old, presumed dead—and doing it brilliantly. Freedom bids for a place alongside the great achievements of his predecessors, not his contemporaries; it belongs on the same shelf as John Updike’s Rabbit, Tom Wolfe’s The Bonfire of the Vanities, Philip Roth’s American Pastoral. It is the first Great American Novel of the post-Obama era." —Benjamin Secher, Daily Telegraph

"The ultimate way-we-live now novel" –Lev Grossman, Time

"Writing in prose that is at once visceral and lapidary, Mr. Franzen shows us how his characters strive to navigate a world of technological gadgetry and ever-shifting mores, how they struggle to balance the equation between their expectations of life and dull reality, their political ideals and mercenary personal urges. He proves himself as adept at adolescent comedy as he is at grown-up tragedy; as skilled at holding a mirror to the world his people inhabit day by dreary day as he is at limning their messy inner lives . . . Mr. Franzen has written his most deeply felt novel yet—a novel that turns out to be both a compelling biography of a dysfunctional family and an indelible portrait of our times." —Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times

"[Freedom is] a work of total genius: a reminder both of why everyone got so excited about Franzen in the first place and of the undeniable magic—even today, in our digital end-times—of the old-timey literary novel . . . Few modern novelists rival Franzen in that primal skill of creating life, of tricking us into believing that a text-generated set of neural patterns, a purely abstract mind-event, is in fact a tangible human being that we can love, pity, hate, admire, and possibly even run into someday at the grocery store. His characters are so densely rendered—their mental lives sketched right down to the smallest cognitive micrograins—that they manage to bust through the art-reality threshold: They hit us in the same place that our friends and neighbors and classmates and lovers do. This is what makes Franzen’s books such special event." —Sam Anderson, New York Magazine

"One of those rare books that starts well and then takes off . . . a joy to read . . . With its all-encompassing world, its flawed heroes and its redemptive ending, Freedom has the sweep of a modern Paradise Lost." Economist

"The Great American Novel." —Esquire

"Epic." —Vanity Fair

1 comentario:

  1. Habrá que leer la novela Libertad de Jonathan Franzen, qué ganas de que llegara! Un saludo


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